Downlands School solar project update

In the very high winds on Wednesday 6 May one of the solar panels on the Downlands Sports Centre roof became dislodged.  Our understanding is that such incidents are extremely rare.  Along with the school and Solar Resources who installed the system we are very concerned about this incident, especially since the system was designed to withstand winds up to 150 mph.  Solar Resources staff have taken immediate action to investigate what happened, and to put in place an additional perimeter mounting system that will provide extra security for all the panels on the roof.  We have requested a full written report from Solar Resources and are working closely with the school to ensure the continued safety and security of everyone on site.  Both HKD Energy and Downlands School are committed to continue to work as a partnership, and we intend to have an independent engineer confirm the system’s safety.

Chris Handel, Chair                 John Willis, Secretary
Juliet Merrifield, Treasurer       Darren Berman, Director
Bec Hanley, Director

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